9 de mai. de 2007


1988- the American Robert Morris creates the Morris Worm, that is the first virus if to propagate automatically large-scale.

1991- o vírus Tequila, que é polimórfico, ou seja, muda de formato para enganar os programas de proteção.

1999- the Chen Chinese Ing-hau admits to have bred the Chernobyl virus. Proncipal threat: the plate-mother!

2000- virus I Love You if spreads over email causing great congestions. The Onel Phillipino of 23 years is imprisoned and set free, therefore he did not have laws against hackers.

2001- the dutch Jan de Wint, 220 years, is condemned to fulfill 150h of servicos for creating the virus Ana Kournikova.
SirCam, Nind and Code Red use the resource of automatic propagation to congest systems of emails and to take off sites of air!

2002- David Smith, 34, was condemned the 20 months of arrest and to the payment of a fine of USS 5,000 for creating the Melissa virus.

2003- the Slammer virus obtains to penetrate in the backbone network of the nuclear plant Besse Davis, in U.S.A.. As the plant was disactivated nothing it happens.
he Blaster virus if propagates for the InterNet in search of vulnerable computers causing the paralyzation of trains in Washington and delays in the airport of Toronto!

2004 - 100 a thousand known viruses the Sasser took off the sleep of much people: it contaminated the users without whom they needed to make nothing! It explored imperfections in win 2000 and XP. A battle also was stopped by the gangs of the Netsky and the Bagle, that had created as many variants that they had depleted the alphabet. Another one that caused terror was the Mydoon, that uses techniques of social engineering. In one hour it contaminated 115 a thousand machines and it caused much slowness in the net.

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